Royal Haskoning DHV

Description of the company:
Royal HaskoningDHV is a global engineering, project management, and consultancy company, with 6,000 colleagues spread across 140 countries. We work together with our clients and partners on projects that have a positive impact on people, our environment, and the economy. Ambitious, engaging, dynamic, collaborative. That is how colleagues describe our company. Our goal is Enhancing Society Together. To make a positive difference in the world. We promote integrated sustainable development together with our clients in areas where we are experts and can exert our influence. Our people want to make a positive contribution to the future and leave something for the next generation.
Potential graduation assignments:
Royal HaskoningDHV offers Graduation Studies for all aspects of Civil Engineering for both Bachelor- and Master students. Students can work from their offices in Nijmegen, Amersfoort, Zwolle or one of Haskoning's other offices through the Netherlands.
The following three graduation projects are available within Water & Maritime:
Afstudeerstage Wateroverlast Valkenburg
Internship CoastFOAM (Masterlevel)
Graduate Intern Fluvial Flooding Modelling
Possible topics Mobility & Infrastructure in Nijmegen:
- Systems Engineering
- How to improve the Systems Engineering way-of-working in our projects? (in relation to our Digital Way of Working program and BIM implementation)
- Requirement libraries and standard specifications: how can these best be managed and used in the best way within our projects?
- Can Artificial Intelligence help generate contracts based on past project data?
- Contract Management
- Future scenarios for the Dutch infrastructure and their impact on our business operations.
- The effectiveness of “awarding on value”, specifically sustainability in a BPKV criterion, in various forms.
- How to improve sustainability in procurement? What are best-practices?
- How to procure renovation projects? Are integrated contracts based on the UAV-gc suitable or do the typical aspects of renovation require different contracts?
- Innovative procurement methods and contracts: how can the different trends and the ongoing search for methods be explained? What can we learn from this?
- Evaluation of recent building team (bouwteam) and two-phase (tweefasen aanpak) procurements. What can be learned from the application in infrastructure projects?
- Sustainability
- Conduct research into the sustainability and circularity of wooden civil structures (bridges, retaining walls, lock doors), compared to other materials (concrete, steel, composite).
This concerns a study with the cooperation of our constructors, sustainability advisors and LCA experts. - Moneytarizering milieueffecten
- Conduct research into the sustainability and circularity of wooden civil structures (bridges, retaining walls, lock doors), compared to other materials (concrete, steel, composite).
In de infraprojecten (de aanleg en onderhoud van wegen, bruggen, tunnels, dijken, sluizen etc.) is steeds meer aandacht voor duurzaamheid. De Rijksoverheid richt zich daarbij volledig op de MKI-waarde van de ontwerpoplossingen.