CEM and CME explained
There are two different Master programmes at the University of Twente:
Civil Engineering and Management (CEM)
has 4 core specialisations (within UT)
- Construction Management and Engineering (CME)
- Traffic Engineering and Management (TEM)
- Water Engineering and Management (WEM)
- Integrated Civil Engineering Systems (ICES)
With CME, you have choice in all courses of CME at the three different universities, but not other CEM-courses.
4TU Construction Engineering and Management (CME)
has 3 core tracks (in 4TU)
- CME University of Twente
- CME TU Delft
- CME TU Eindhoven
With CEM, you have choice in courses of all four specialisations.
Civil Engineering and Management
With CEM, there are 3 specialisations on a specific discipline (Construction, Transport and Water) and 1 specialisation on a specific theme (ICES). In total, CEM has 10 profiles to choose from. Here you can find the general overview. You can click on the picture to zoom in.
Construction Management and Engineering profiles
Markets and Organisations in Construction
If interested in:
- How organisations deal with one another
- How to manage relationships in/between another
- Broader organisational / strategic issues for the entire sector
Digital Tecnologies in Construction
If interested in:
- How the design process takes place from beginning to end
- How you can manage the design process
- Use of newest tools and methods in construction (e.g. BIM)
Transport Engineering and Management profiles
Integrated Urban Transport
If interested in:
- Area development
- (Urban) planning
- Policy processes
- Transport networks
- Public transport
Transport and Logistics
If interested in:
- Mathematical approach
- Traffic flows
- Logistics and optimization
- Combination of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Water Engineering and Management profiles
Integrated Water Management
If interested in:
- Managing water problems
- Use of tools and methods in water policy
- Governance
River and Coastal Engineering
If interested in:
- Physical aspects of water systems
- Modelling water systems and the impact of measures
Integrated Civil Engineering Systems profiles
Choose a profile if you are interested in:
- Civil Engineering Structures
- Modelling and forecasting
- Sustainability
- Smart cities
Construction Management and Engineering
With CME, you choose your courses throughout the 4TU CME MSc Programme at the three different educational institutes. See for the differences between these institutes below. See for more information the 4TU CME website.