
For you as Civil Engineer student, a notebook is nowadays almost indispensable. You will need your notebook for communication with others, collecting information, making calculations and drawings, performing simulations and now even taking exams. Therefore you need a notebook which is able to handle this all. The Notebook Service Centre (NSC) of the UT selects notebooks every year that are guaranteed to fulfil all the requirements for the whole study. A-brand manufactures makes an nice offer to the NSC, therefore, the prices will be lower than buying directly via an external company.

Buying your notebook via NSC will also give you a warranty of 3 years. Covered under warranty are defects which are not caused by external circumstances. There is also an opportunity to take out an insurance which covers drop and liquid damage. More information can be seen via this link: https://www.utwente.nl/en/nsc/notebookproject/information/

It you are short on money, the UT offers the possibility of an interest-free loan for the acquisition of the notebook provided by the NSC. More information about this loan can be seen via this link: https://www.utwente.nl/en/nsc/notebookproject/interestfreeloan/


The UT provides Microsoft Office 365 for all the students (including students who did not acquisition a notebook via the NSC) at the UT. This can be found through http://portal.office.com (login using your s-number@utwente.nl, so s1234567@utwente.nl not @student.utwente.nl). FAQ for Microsoft Office 365: https://www.utwente.nl/en/lisa/faq/ict/office365-faq/

All the other needed (licenced) software can be found on the software manager of the NSC (https://www.nsc.utwente.nl/software/). The lectures will tell/explain which software is needed for each course/module.


On the campus and inside the buildings of the UT, there is a wifi network. The wifi is called: Eduroam. As log-in, you have to fill in your student-mail with the corresponding password. More information can be found via the link: https://www.utwente.nl/nl/lisa/ict/handleidingen/netwerk/draadloos/

Some documents (including e-books from the UT-library) and programs make use of a license that is connected to Eduroam. This means that you can only open these documents/use these programs if you are connected Eduroam (so if you are on the campus). To make sure that you can also work from home with these documents/programs, a VPN-connection can be made. How you can make this VPN connection can be found on the following website: https://www.utwente.nl/en/lisa/ict/manuals/network/vpn/