An important thing to have before you can start studying is your timetable. In this chapter, it is explained how you can see your timetable for the first module.
1. Go to: https://rooster.utwente.nl/
2. Sign in with your student number and password (The same as you used for Osiris and Canvas).
3. Click on: Add timetable > (2021/2022) Module/studyprogramme.
4. Search for: Civil Engineering MOD01 202000041 Introduction to Civil Engineering.
5. Select this timetable and press add timetable. Select the option all student sets and press ok. Now your timetable is added to your schedule.
It is possible that the schedule is not visible yet, this is because the schedule is not published yet. But if the schedule is published, it will appear in your timetable. After you found your timetable, it is possible to add it to your agenda on your phone. Information about this can be found on: https://rooster.utwente.nl/help?requireLogin=true under the section connecting smartphone or tablet.