Study association ConcepT
ConcepT is the study association for students of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering and Management (CEM) or Construction Management and Engineering (CME). ConcepT organizes activities in three different categories: Professional, Educational and Social.
Becoming a member of ConcepT only costs 8.50 euros per year. If you buy your books for the first module via ConcepT, you will get a discount on books that is more than the costs of becoming a member.
Besides the book sale, ConcepT offers a lot more for its members. More information about what ConcepT does, can be found here.
It is really easy to become a member of ConcepT. In the menu on the left, you can find the form that you need to fill in to become a member. After filling in the form, you need to sign the SEPA paper for automatic transactions. More information about direct debit can be found here: Information about direct debit. When you signed the direct debit contract, send it to: After that, you are a member of ConcepT!