BetonBrouwers competition season 2023/2024
In season 2023-2024, the BetonBrouwers went to two races, one here in Enschede and the other one in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany. BetonBrouwers have achieved great success at both races. In Enschede seven out of nine races were won by the BetonBrouwers. In Germany were also some successes. In the men's and mixed category we finished third and in the women's category second. Behind the scenes, we are developing a new mould. The old mould is at the end of its lifetime. With the new mould, BetonBrouwers are able to make new canoes for the upcoming years and hopefully winning more races in the future. Next to the mould also the concrete mixture is further developed to make the concrete mixture even lighter and stronger.
Lukas Raadschelders | Chairman |
Ramon Bonte | Treasurer |
Andru V Vlad | Eventmanager |
Joanne Ax | Chief of External Affairs |
Robin Slagt | Chief of External Affairs |
Torben Sozef | Chief of Mould |
Minze Hamstra | Chief of Mould |
Rick Frazer | Chief of Mould |
Niels van Dongen | Chief of Concrete |
Justus Meyer | Chief of Concrete |
Giacomo Solaroli | Chief of Concrete |
Madieke van Oosterhout | Chief of Concrete & Chief of deep-fry |
Chris de Jong | Chief of Innovation & Construction |
Fenna van der Werff | Chief of Innovation & Construction |
Simon Beusen | Chief of CAD |
Annetje van Hengstum | Member |
Bas Huting | Member |
Loes Hazenberg | Member |