Well-being and Mental Health
If you have an exceptional personal circumstance, there should always be a person that you can consult and have a private talk with. This can be someone from your family, or one of your friends, but can also be the Study Advisor, or a confidential contact person (CCP). With these people you can discuss all kinds of personal situations and they will keep the conversations professional and confidential. There are different counsellors that you can refer to, depending on your situation and your preference.
If you are not feeling great, or you notice that someone else is not feeling as usual, you can always check out the toolkit on the right, the Mental Health page from the University or the Student Union to see what you can do.
Toolkit (Student Union)
File name | File size |
Student_Well-Being_Toolkit.pdf | 7.3 MB |
Study Advisor
The Study Advisor of your educational programme is often a good first person to approach if you have questions. For Civil Engineering the study advisors for the Bachelor are Judith Roos and Gijs Medendorp. For the Master, it is Monique Duyvestijn. You can refer to the Study Advisor if you need information and independent advice on topics related to your studies and personal situation. The student counsellor has expertise in the subjects listed down below. More information can be found via the following link (SACC): https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/sacc/coaching-counselling/student-counsellor/.
- Regulations
- Legal position
- Appeal procedures
- Study delay
- Study finance
- Financial problems
- Study switch
- Personal circumstances
- Judith Roos | Study Advisor Bachelor | j.roos@utwente.nl
- Gijs Medendorp | Study Advisor Bachelor | g.medendorp@utwente.nl
- Monique Duyvestijn | Study Advisor Master | m.j.b.duyvestijn@utwente.nl
At ConcepT, there are two confidential counsellors that you can refer to. These are students, and members of ConcepT, who are available for a personal talk if you would rather talk to a fellow student than someone from the University. They will provide you with advice, and will keep the conversation confidential. Ofcourse you can always reach out to the Board as well, either by approaching them personally or sending an email or message to one of the Board members. If you are at the ConcepT room, you can get a free piece of fruit to boost your physical well-being too :)
Confidential contact persons contact:
- Thijs de Bos | t.j.g.debos@student.utwente.nl | +31 6 22573879
- Emma Valkhof | e.t.valkhof@student.utwente.nl | +31 6 37173053
- For contacting both Thijs and Emma | ccp@concept.utwente.nl