About this event

Date and time
Dec 6, 2023 12:45 - 13:30

Lunch Lecture ABT & Bouwen met Staal

Solving Complexity: Navigating challenges with digital technology
Turning ambitious ideas into built reality, particularly in projects with high ambitions for impact, sustainability and quality, inherently leads to projects with increased complexity. Amidst challenges such as reducing our climate impact, labor shortages, and economic market fluctuations, innovative solutions become imperative. 
During this lunch lecture, Chris van der Ploeg will tell you about how ABT adopts digital workflows  including AI classification, design automation, parametric design, file-to-factory connections, and data analysis to deal  with complexity in projects on several levels: from obvious to complicated, complex and chaotic.  Illustrated by case studies we will demonstrate how these new digital means can help us handle these challenges. From the perspective of both the design practice in ABT aswell from the perspective of Bouwen met Staal on the steel construction industry as a whole.


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