New International Wetskills Events

Wetskills uses a new way of authentic learning and international networking for students and young professionals with a passion for water. The Challenges take place worldwide, usually during international water related events. In mixed teams, the internationals participants work on are real life and transdisciplinary cases from companies and (governmental) organisations. The main task is to think out-of-box and develop realistic concepts.

The WetsNext strives to have follow-up projects of Wetskills concepts with the involved partners. Main aim: impact with new ideas!

Wetskills Water Challenges has been organized more than 30 times since 2010. The Wetskills Foundation is an independent foundation with a broad international network in the water sector, based in The Hague, The Netherlands.

This autumn and winter, four events will be organised around the globe:

  • Semarang, Indonesia: 2-16 September 2018
  • Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, during the European Water Technology Week: 15-27 September 2018
  • Barcelona, Spain: 3-25 November 2018
  • Ahmedabad, Inda: 1-14 January 2018

For more information about the events, check