New short version Look-After-Your-Friend training

There is a new version of the Look-After-Your-Friend training! The training usually consists of 2 sessions of both 2 hours, which are complementing and can therefore not be followed separately....

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Dies Dionysus

☢On the 14th of May the sorority Dionysus will celebrate their dies with a party! The theme is raDIOactive, the San Remo will be explosive! You are all invited to come by☢

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Palette Dies!

Hello everyone,  On the 7th of May Civil Engineering Ladies Sorority Palette celebrates their 4th Lustrum Dies with the theme Palette SAL SAmen dansen💃🏻! Which translates: Palette will dance...

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F35 opened!

Since two days, the F35 cycle highway opened! If you cycle on the F35 ten times in May, you have a chance to win lunch from the Broodbode.

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Faculty Council Elections!

Make Your Voice Heard! The Faculty of Engineering Technology at the University of Twente invites passionate students and dedicated staff members to step forward and run for election to the Faculty...

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The 28th of March is the waterinfoday. Etrance is free for sudents, you can subcribe trough this link: Deelname - Waterinfodag

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Student Services

Student Services is here to help! The Contact Centre is the central hub where students can seek answers to all their questions. You can visit us with questions about tuition fees, visa...

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Sustainability week 2023

It's that time of the year! Sustainability Week 2023 is here! ♻️ 🌎 Starting from Monday, November 27th, until Friday, December 1st, we invite you to a series of fun and interesting events, all...

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Input sessie studiekeuzeproces

Ben jij een eerstejaars bachelor student? En wil jij de nieuwste University of Twente hoodie? Dan nodigt Marketing & Communication (M&C) jou uit voor een studenten input sessie op 23 november van...

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Cement en Betoniek

Het onderwijsjaar is alweer in volle gang. Een goed moment om de nieuwe generatie studenten kennis te laten maken met de kennisplatformen Cement en Betoniek. Als vanouds bieden we studenten gratis...

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