About this event

Date and time
Feb 26, 2020 12:40 - 13:30

TMC Technology Oost

Let’s Talk About Your Plan


TMC is a consultancy firm which focuses mainly on highly educated people with an entrepreneurial mind-set.

We’re looking for people who are not only good in their field but also want to keep evolving, learning and developing.

If this is your way of working, then we would like to welcome you as our newest Employeneur.


I can imagine that this term sounds odd, that’s because we are the organization that came up with it.

During this presentation Kevin Tuin is going to tell what Employeneurship means and Steven Esselink (Concept Alumni) is going to talk about what it means to be an Employeneur.


Steven also takes you through his career and the possibilities he had since he graduated his Masters at the University of Twente.


See you on the 26th of February


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