2nd Polder2Cs Winter School Fieldwork for flood Resilience

Are you enrolled in the CEM Master program? Want to earn some EC's during the winter?

Climate-proofing the 2 Seas Region

Climate change has been affecting countries in the 2 Seas Region (Belgium, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and France) more severely than expected. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather conditions that induce storm-surges along the coast and river discharges that threaten the integrity of flood defences is increasing. Are flood defences safe enough, and how effective will emergency response be in case of a levee failure? How can the combination of flood defences and emergency response remain effective in light of the emerging circumstances? These questions are relevant to local stakeholders whose prosperity and wellbeing depend upon flood resilience. Polder2C’s offers a rare opportunity to test and improve flood resilience by improving climate change adaptation capacity on a strategic, tactical and operational level.

The Winter School

Sponsored by the Polder2C’s consortium, this Winter School aspires to contribute to the mission of developing a solid knowledge infrastructure in the field of climate change adaptation. The event will provide a podium for exchange, transfer and development of ideas and knowledge, giving the opportunity to participants to be immersed in the planned activities of the Living Lab Hedwige-Prosperpolder. Following a balanced schedule of theory and practice, they will be invited to contemplate the challenges of flood resilience capacity building, think together with the Polder2C’s partners, and come up with practical solutions that contribute to the cause. This will provide a unique environment where they can learn by doing and explore how their knowledge and skills complement the knowledge and skills of professionals from other disciplines

Want to find out more or want to apply? Check the whole document here! For questions contact Jord Warmink.



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