New newsletter!
De nieuwsbrief van maart is uit! Wil je deze lezen, klik hier! The newsletter of March is online! Check it out here!
Alumni borrel 14 oktober
Op 14 oktober vond er een borrel plaats in het café onder de Linde in Amersfoort. Deze borrel was een goede gelegenheid om met mede-afgestudeerden uit Enschede weer eens bij te praten of om ze te...
Change of boards
In April it was time to switch boards again. The new board of ConcreeT consists of: Maarten Verboom - Chairman Loes Hazenberg - Secretary Lukas Raadschelders - Treasurer Thijs Mank - General...
Alumni Drink Deventer 2022
In May it was again time for a drink, this time in Deventer in the Irish Elk. We had a really nice evening. You can even check out the ConcreeT website for some photos that have been taken during...
Waterbouwprijs 2021
Congratz! The 'Waterbouwprijs 2021' has been brought to Enschede by Luuk Barendse! He has won the Waterbouwprijs WO 2021 with his graduation project “Hydrodynamic modelling of wave overtopping...
2nd Polder2Cs Winter School Fieldwork for flood Resilience
Are you enrolled in the CEM Master program? Want to earn some EC's during the winter? Climate-proofing the 2 Seas Region Climate change has been affecting countries in the 2 Seas Region (Belgium,...
[Dutch] Nederlandse Hydrologische Vereniging
De NHV De NHV (Nederlandse Hydrologische Vereniging) is een vakvereniging voor hydrologen en aankomend hydrologen. De vereniging biedt een forum voor hydrologen, wat inhoudt dat hydrologen die...
Week of the International Student
What is the Week of the International Student? Each year Nuffic organises the Week of the International Student. The week showcases the importance of an international experience for both Dutch and...
Innovation Drinks: 3D PRINTING - What's going on at the front?
On Monday September 27th there will be a KIVI Innovation Drink with this time the theme: 3D PRINTING - What's going on at the front? In the recent years, many promises have been made about 3D...
[Dutch] Urban Energy Challenge 2021
Draag jij bij aan een aardgasvrij Nederland? Studenten en starters opgelet! Wil jij naast je studie of baan praktijkervaring opdoen én wil jij bijdragen aan de energietransitie? Doe dan mee aan...